Kabrinc house in Košice

Rodinný dom od košického architekta Michala Buráka je dielom striedmosti a rafinovanej redukcie: len jedna hmota, len jedno okno do ulice. V tvarovej zložitosti okolia pôsobí primárne jednoducho.



DOMM is a minimalist house for three people family. It is one mass with one window to the street. In the shape complexity of the context, it seems almost puristic simply and works mainly with contrast. It does not close itself off from its surroundings, on the …


DOMM - Different than it seems

Author's report: DOMM is a minimal house for a three-member family in terms of expression and size. Only one mass, only one window to the street. In the shape complexity of the surroundings, it seems almost puristically simple, it works with contrast. However, …


Architect Burák: Volvo will change Košice as an iron factory, but the city is not ready.

Volvo is heading to Košice, how is the city prepared for the arrival of a large investor? That's what I'm asking too. The basis of such of city development is a strategic document and territorial plan. The city has it, but it's from the seventies years. Whether …


Slovak cloud in Dubai

The theme of the World Exhibition in Dubai, which will take place from 20 October 2020 by April 10, 2021, is futuristic: Connecting thoughts, creating Connecting Minds, Creating the Future). According to the organizers it should reflect a vision of progress and …


How to Make a Good City

Atrium Architects is primarily a productive architectural studio, but basically develops activities that fall into the category of architectural activism. I will particularly mention Town Hits, which started in Bratislava, but you extended it to other Slovak towns. …


Fealing maps

Each of us has its own city placed in a subjective map impressions that decide how we perceive it and we use it. But if there are more similar opinions, the individual image acquires objective features. So what are ours? cities and how do we care about them? Where …


Contemporary Housing

a natural environment and sustainable improvement at several levels comprises, in addition to fitting of a thermal insulation membrane, analysis of all the architectonic elements which would provide a modern appearance and new functions for the building. The monochromatic …


Apartment building from Humenné: In a good flat you feel like in family house

Na pohľad jednoduchý bytový dom v Humennom dostal Cenu Dušana Jurkoviča od Spolku architektov Slovenska oprávnene. Práve na jeho príklade možno vidieť, čo všetko musí mať kvalitný panelák.


It was once a mill, today modern living in eastern Slovakia

Košický ateliér Atrium získal Cenu Dušana Jurkoviča, najstaršie ocenenie spomedzi architektonických cien, už druhýkrát. „Zaväzuje nás to, aby sme neubrali, práve naopak, aby sme svoj potenciál ešte viac rozvíjali,“ hovoria architekti na čele …
