
PF 2018

What to add at the end of the year? Together we reached the top, so we will enjoy it :)



Dušan Jurkovic Prize 2017

And the winner is Atrium Architekti. Thank you for appreciating our work „Mlyn Humenné“: [ http://www.atriumstudio.sk/…mlyn-humenne ]. For us, this is the second award with this prestigious prize, which obliges us not to dump, just the opposite, to grow our potential even further. We won the first prize in 2004 for the Art School Smižany.



New ARCH issue with our Mill

Mills – buildings and machines at the same time – belonged to the most widespread in our country Traditional means of production. At their inception, Technical and design features, building and spatial solutions Geographic conditions have affected. The mills represented not only Economic and technical benefits, but they also had a huge civilization And cultural significance. In the past, their image was a reflection The level of technology and technology of the time. And most of all … they were dangling People hungry with bread everyday.



Interview for Dennik N

A few words for lifestyle magazine about how to live.



Infocentrum for Botanic Garden

New entrance spaces



PF 2017

Lot of great architecture in 2017 :)



Interior of Holcim in ARCH magazine

Best Slovak Interior of the Year 2016 with our project.



For friday heloween

To pumpkin :)



Holcim Slovakia

New issue of Interier magazine with fresh story about our project Lafarge Holcim in Košice, Slovakia.



Water world on Šaľa

Atrium is winner of international architectural competetion for Water world on Šaľa, Slovakia.
